Product Descripti0on:
ife Size
Made of PVC
Mounted on stand.
It features the entire cervical vertebrae with
muscular anatomy, nerves, and a portion of the
clavicle. This full size muscled cervical
vertebrae model also features a soft replica of
the cerebellum, detailed occipital bone plate,
atlas and axis and spinal nerves throughout.
This model also includes a right side brachial
plexus. Muscular anatomy includes the
suboccipital triangle, longus capitis, levator
scapulae, scalenus medius posterior and
anterior. The right first and second ribs are also
featured and include cartilage.
Ideal for a variety of disciplines, including chiropractic study, surgical
reference, and patient education and consulation.
The soft material of the nerves and muscles bring lifelike quality to
the model and help explain topics such as neck pain, nerve damage,
muscle strain, and misalignment of the cervical vertebrae.
Key card / Manual provided.
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